Marlowe in Sheets

Marlowe in Sheets digitizes the work of sixteenth century English dramatist and poet Christopher Marlowe in their original printed form: uncut sheets of paper. Having Marlowe’s printed plays and poems in this manner means that you—the user—can print, fold, and make your very own Marlowe books much like his first early modern London readers did in the 1590s and 1600s.  

Marlowe in Sheets is inspired by and is a sister project to Prof. Tara L. Lyons’ Shakespeare in Sheets project at Illinois State University. Please visit her website at for more information about folding and making Shakespeare’s books. Marlowe in Sheets is primarily designed for teachers, students, and scholars of English Renaissance print and drama. For our project’s pedagogical application and utility in the classroom, please visit the Pedagogy and Resources page (also accessible through the left-hand tab). 

The printed plays and poems in uncut sheets that Marlowe in Sheets offers are in condensed PDF files and available for free download. Instructions for opening, printing, folding, and making Marlowe’s books can be found on the How to Fold Sheets and Make Marlowe’s Books page.

Hosted by the University of Washington Libraries and funded with the generous support of the Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA.
